Global leaders in human behaviour analysis using face and voice sensing Artificial Intelligence

Measuring the mind for a better future together.

Prof Michel Valstar

Co-founder, Chief Scientific Officer (CESO)
Explaining why we founded BlueSkeye AI

BlueSkeye’s aim is to create the most-used technology for ethical machine understanding of face and voice behaviour trusted to measure the mind through the use of ubiquitously available, affordable technology.

We use machine learning to objectively and automatically analyse face and voice data, to interpret medically relevant expressed behaviour and help our customers improve people’s quality of life at home, in their cars, and at work. 

Our technology is clinical grade. It continues to be tested in a clinical context and we are currently working with NHS Trusts in Nottinghamshire on clinical trials to evidence clinical safety and efficacy of the technology in an app designed to assist in health assessments of pregnant women.

BlueSkeye AI offers a range of products and services that help our customers use face and voice data and medically relevant expressed behaviour to understand and respond better to their customers.

Our Solutions

Health and Wellbeing

B-Healthy can detect and interpret medically relevant expressive behaviour in the face and voice allowing both the creation of health and wellbeing apps as an aid to clinicians, helping them diagnose, treat and monitor patient health and as a companion app for clinical trials allowing the collection of reliable, repeatable data. This includes the measurement of aspects that could previously only be obtained subjectively.

Available as a software development kit (SDK) that makes it easy to both design a new  health and well being app or customise our unique technology into your existing branded companion app.

Our technology is clinical grade. It continues to be tested in a clinical context and we are currently working with NHS Trusts in Nottinghamshire on clinical trials to evidence clinical safety and efficacy of the technology in an app designed to assist in health assessments of pregnant women.


B-Automotive will revolutionise the passenger experience making the car of the future safer, smarter and more responsive to passenger mood and health.

Our technology can help meet current and planned international safety monitoring requirements, allow manufacturers to develop intelligent cockpits and smart interiors personalising passengers’ journey experience. 

Ultimately our ability to detect medically relevant expressed behaviour could be used by the car of the future to detect the early signs of neurodegenerative illness, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

Other Applications

BlueSkeye makes it easy to learn more about your customer and design more engaging, empathetic and responsive virtual assistants or social robots for use in store or online.

Our Capabilities

Face Detection & Tracking

Gaze Tracking

Facial Action Unit Tracking

Emotion AI


Our Values

Advanced Technology

We leverage state of the art technology to provide novel and innovative solutions 

Affordable and accessible solutions

We aim to provide technological solutions that are both affordable and accessible to the end  users

Ethical Technology

We create technology by including  privacy and security by design

Research for real good

We aspire to do research for real good and to have a positive impact on the world 

Request A Demo

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
